Wollangambe River passes through numerous sections of canyon on its way to the Colo River.
The two most popular sections 1 and 2 lie below Mt Wilson, and are excellent lilo trips on a summer day.
Wallangambe-Stage 1
Wollangambe River passes through numerous sections of canyon on its way to the Colo River. *Note. Despite the grade of "Easy", getting to and from the canyon still requires a descent and ascent of over 300m on a track that is steep and rocky in places.
Entry is at the fire station in Mt Wilson.
Download this link Wallangambe Canyon-Upper Tourist for a map and more comprehensive description of the trail.
The exit for the first stage requires 2 exposed rope climbs which can be quite challenging for the faint hearted.
The canyon itself involves many long swims for which inflatable matts and wetsuits are highly recommended. There is a significant amount of climbing up, down and around house-sized boulders. Make sure you are fit and have appropriate gear before you go as there is no phone coverage.
Estimate return time of 6 to 8 hours is for a "moderately fit and experienced party however this can easily blow out. Unfortunately we were caught up in the beauty of the canyon and were totally unaware of its length and hard climb out that resulted in a 9.5 hr return trip. I would probably rate this circuit as "Medium to Hard" but well worth the effort.
Wallangambe-Stage 2
This full day adventure starts with a 1.5 hr walk and rope climb down to the exit of Stage 1 of the canyon.
From here, the second stage of Wollangambe will not disappoint, from its crystal-clear waters winding through some very colourful passages, to its magnificent towering rock walls.
Entry is from Cathedral Reserve at Mt Wilson and does involve 2 rope climbs which can be a bit challenging for those who have issues with heights.
*The exit point can easily be missed. Do your research and it will be worth downloading a map
Watch out for Waterfall of Moss Canyon coming in on the left.
About 200m past this, and just past a big bouldery block up, you will see a beach on the right, and a gully on both sides.
Head right up the gully, and up to the ridge.
The track is fairly obvious at the top of this ridge
Download this link Wallangambe Canyon-Lower Tourist section for a map and more comprehensive description of the trail.
Exposed Rope climbs
These two climbs can be quite challenging for those who have issues with heights however the rewards of the canyon certainly makes up for it.
*note this section is both the exit for Stage 1 and the entrance to Stage 2

Stage 2 map
Entry is from Cathedral Reserve at Mt Wilson.
Head along the fire trail that leaves to the west. After about 1.2km, this forks, and you veer right down a hill. At the top of a long hill, turn on to a track that branches to the right. There is a warning sign at the track junction. Follow this roughly north for 1.5km down to the river . Avoid taking a minor right fork to Why Don't We Do It In The Road? Canyon (Serendipity Canyon) after about 400m, at a large anthill. There is an exposed 2 rope climbs just before you get to the river.

Exit Stage 2
The exit is at the big bend.
Watch for Waterfall of Moss Canyon coming in on the left. About 200m past this, and just past a big bouldery block up, you will see a beach on the right, and a gully on both sides.
There are 3 very faint arrow markings pointing to the exit which may or may not be there depending on how much they fade.
Head right up the gully, and up to the ridge. The track is fairly obvious up to when it turns into a fire trail.
Once on the fire trail, follow it back to a grassy clearing. Turn right at the clearing, and then left after about 200m at a junction. Take the right branch at the next two intersections that are close together, and follow the track down the hill, through a gate and back to Cathedral Reserve.